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Kava Powder

  • English name:

    Kava Powder

  • Botanical name:

    Piper methysticum

  • Active ingredient:


  • Specification:

    5-80% Kavalactones,10:1

  • Appearance:

    light yellow to brown yellow powder, and Brown oils.

  • Introduction/Description
  • Specifications
  • Application

Kava Powder

Product Introduction of Kava powder:

Kava is an herbaceous plant used frequently in herbal medicine to treat anxiety and insomnia. It is native to the South Pacific islands, and its root has been used ceremonially, recreationally, and medicinally for centuries. Consuming kava powder produces a feeling of mild euphoria, and is known for its relaxation and anti-convulsant effects. In Western culture, it is commonly prescribed by herbalists and alternative medicine practitioners for all types of anxiety disorders.



Product Specification of Kava powder:

Analysis Items Specifications Test Methods
Identification Positive TLC
Appearance & Color Fine light yellow powder Visual
Method of Extraction Hydro-alcoholic /
Extract Solvent Grain alcohol/Water /
Moisture Content NMT 5.0% 5g / 105℃ / 2hrs
Ash Content NMT 5.0% 2g / 525℃ / 3hrs
Heavy Metals NMT 10ppm Atomic Absorption
Arsenic (As) NMT 1ppm Atomic Absorption
Cadmium (Cd) NMT 1ppm Atomic Absorption
Mercury (Hg) NMT 0.1ppm Atomic Absorption
Lead (Pb) NMT 3ppm Atomic Absorption
Total Plate Count NMT 10,000cfu/g
Total Yeast & Mold NMT 1,000cfu/g
E. Coli Negative
Salmonella Negative
Staphylococcus Negative
Aflatoxins 0.2ppb

Product function and application of Kava Powder:

1. Resisting fungi, thrombopoiesis and tiredness;

2. Losing weight and relaxing muscle;

3. Good for antidepressant .

4. To remove tension and stress

5. To cure worry and losing sleep.

6. Widely used in nutritional supplements and herbal preparation.

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