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Aquafaba Powder

  • English name::

    Aquafaba Powder/ Chickpea Powder

  • Botanical name:

    Cicer arietinum Linn

  • Parts Used:


  • Specification:

    Raw Powder

  • Appearance:

    Off-white powder

  • Introduction/Description
  • Specifications
  • Application

Chickpea Powder  is a gluten-free flour, but is gaining popularity in the West as an alternative to wheat flour. This flour is just as nutritious as chickpeas because it requires only one ingredient: roasted chickpea flour (sometimes raw). The taste of Chickpea Powder is neutral, and the taste of dishes made with chickpea flour comes from the condiments, seasonings, oils, fats and main ingredients of the dish, rather than the Chickpea Powder itself. If you taste it straight from the container, it will have a dry, flat, powdery taste.

Items Specifications Test Methods
Appearance & Color Odor & Taste 

Mesh Size

Off-white powder


NLT 90% through 60 mesh



60 Mesh Screen

Moisture Content

Ash Content

NMT 12.0%

NMT 12.0%

5g / 105℃ / 2hrs

2g / 525℃ / 3hrs

Shelf Life 2 years
Remarks Store in a well-closed container away from moisture, heat and strong sun.

Packing: Fiber drums and two plastic-bags inside. 25kg/drum.

Chickpea Powder has the following effects:

  1. Rich in vitamins and minerals. Chickpea flour is rich in minerals and vitamins. One 1/2 cup serving of chickpea flour contains half of the daily requirement for folic acid and 44% of the daily requirement for copper. It contains at least 15% of the daily oxygen requirement of magnesium, vitamin b1, potassium and vitamin B6. It also contains 12% DV of phosphorus, iron and zinc.
  2. Chickpeas also provide a large number of vitamins and minerals, and even some antioxidants, including phenolic compounds. They are thought to contain ideal proportions of calcium and magnesium, very high levels of folate - which is essential for a healthy pregnancy - large amounts of B vitamins such as vitamin B6, and a fair amount of heart-healthy potassium.
  3. Helps improve heart health. Chickpea Powder are known to help balance unhealthy cholesterol levels, reduce high blood pressure and prevent heart disease.The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds found in honey powder are excellent for preventing and treating infections throughout the body, particularly in the stomach. It can also help reduce symptoms of constipation and cramping.
  4. Stabilizes Blood Sugar and May Help Prevent Diabetes

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