专注植物提取物 20 多年;专注定制 8 多年



Sang Zhi extract commonly known as Ramulus Mori or Mulberry Twig is the twig of Morus alba L., which is a deciduous tree belonging to the family Moraceae. They have high medicinal value. Their leaves, twigs, root bark, and fruits can be made into medicine. Sang Zhi contains isoquercitrin, morindone, mulberrin, cyclomulberrin, cyclomulberrochromene, mulberrochydrochromene, cudranin, tetrahydroxystilbene, moracin A-H, betulinic acid, reseratrol, dihydrokaempferol, oxyresveratrol, dihydrooxyresveratrol, 1-deoxynojirimycin, polysaccharides, coumarins, amino acids, organic acids, volatile oils, and vitamins. It is widely used in health care products.


Ramulus Mori Extract has the following effects:

  1. Improving superoxide dismutase activity, reducing malondialdehyde content, and inhibiting lipid peroxidation.
  2. Relaxing vascular smooth muscle, dilating blood vessels, lowering blood pressure.
  3. Expelling wind and dampness, easing joint movement, treating rheumatic arthralgia, pain and numbness in shoulders, arms, and joints.
  4. Inducing diuresis and treating edema.Dispelling wind and relieving itching, treating vitiligo and rashes.
  5. Promoting the production of body fluid and treating polydipsia, hyperdiuresis, overeating with marasmus, fatigue, high blood sugar, and urine sugar.



Packaging of Ramulus Mori Extract:



Shelf Life: 2 years Ramulus Mori Extract if sealed and store away from direct sun light.


Shipping Methods of Ramulus Mori Extract:

    1. 快递:适用于样品订单或小于 50 千克的订单,3-10 天,运费高,门到门服务;
    2. 空运:适用于大于 50 公斤的货物,3-7 天,费用低于快递费用,机场到机场服务,需要专业经纪人;
    3. 海运:适用于 > 300 千克,7-45 天,成本最低,港口到港口服务,需要专业经纪人。


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