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Rosemary Extract

  • English Name:

    Rosemary Extract

  • Botanical name:

    Rosmarinus Officinalis

  • Active ingredient:

    Carnosic Acid; Rosmarinic acid; Ursolic acid

  • Specifications:

    5%-85%Carnosic Acid ; 2.5%-98%Rosmarinic acid ; 25%Ursolic acid ;10:1

  • Appearance:

    Green to brown yellow powder

  • Introduction/Description
  • Specifications
  • Application

Product Introduction of Rosemary Extract:

China rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a well-known culinary herb. Applied to the skin helps strengthen the capillaries and has a rejuvenating effect. Recent research is now revealing even more benefits attached to this remarkable herb, including its ability to help prevent cancer and age-related skin damage, boost the functioning of the liver and act as a mild diuretic to help reduce swelling.

Rosemary Extract

Product Specification of Rosemary Extract:

Analysis Items Specifications Test Methods
Solubility Partially soluble in hydro-alcoholic solution Visual
Appearance & Color Green to brown yellow powder Visual
Method of Extraction Hydro-alcoholic /
Extract Solvent Grain alcohol/Water /
Moisture Content NMT 5.0% 5g / 105℃ / 2hrs
Heavy Metals NMT 10ppm Atomic Absorption
Arsenic (As) NMT 1ppm Atomic Absorption
Sterilization Method High Temperature & High Pressure for short time (5” – 10”)
E. Coli Negative
Salmonella Negative
Staphylococcus Negative
Aflatoxins 0.2ppb


Product function and application of Rosemary Extract:

1. As natural antioxidant, it's antioxidant activity is higher than VE. It is widely used in cosmetics, food, fragrance, perfume, shower gel, shampoo, soap and air fresheners.

2.Widely use as a mild sedative and antibacterial agent

3. It provides protection to the brain cells from the effects of aging process and enhances memory.

4. The biological activity of rosmarinic acid is described as antibacterial,antiviral,and antioxidative.


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