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Cilantro powder

  • English name:

    Cilantro powder

  • Botanical name:

    Coriandrum sativum

  • Part used:


  • Specification:

    Raw powder

  • Appearance:

    Green powder

  • Introduction/Description
  • Specifications
  • Application

Production of Cilantro Powder

Cilantro Powder usually is made from dried Coriandrum sativum leaf,but Root & seed can be used in some area. They would be added into all kinds of food in Asian, Caribbean, Indian and Latin American cuisine for a long ago.

Coriandrum sativum (common name: Cilantro, coriander or Chinese parsley) is an green herb with long, juicy stems, feathery leaves. Coriandrum sativum is widely recognized for its uses in culinary and traditional medicine.Cilantro has a quite distinct flavor. It can be described as pungent and intense, yet fresh and lemon-like,and The word ‘cilantro’ comes from Spanish and refers to the green leaves of the plant. Now it has been used in Kitchen by more and more people, such as salads, soups, roasted etc.

Spices such as ginger powder, garlic powder, Cinnamon bark powder, Black Pepper powder, Dried Chiles powder,Turmeric powder and curry pair well with Cilantro Powder.


Items Specifications Test Methods
Appearance & Color Odor & Taste 

Mesh Size

Fine green powder


NLT 90% through 60 mesh



60 Mesh Screen

Moisture Content

Ash Content

NMT 12.0%

NMT 12.0%

5g / 105℃ / 2hrs

2g / 525℃ / 3hrs

Shelf Life 2 years
Remarks Store in a well-closed container away from moisture, heat and strong sun.

Packing: Fiber drums and two plastic-bags inside. 25kg/drum.

Coriandrum sativum can be deemed a functional food due to its wide range of cardiovascular benefits such as antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic, antidiabetic, antiarrhythmic, hypolipidemic as well as analgesic effects.

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