Focusing on plant extracts for 20+ years;Focusing on customization for 8+ years

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Product Name Latin Name Chinese Remarks
Valerian Extract Valeriana officinalis L. 缬草 10:1
Valerian Extract Valeriana officinalis L. 缬草 0.8%Valerianic acid
Vicia Faba Extract Vicia faba 蚕豆 10:1
Vicia Faba Extract Vicia faba 蚕豆 15% L-dopa
Vine Tea Extract Ampelopsis grossedentata 藤茶 10%-98%Dihydromyricetin
Vinpocetine Voacanga africana 长春西汀 98% Vinpocetine
Vaccariae Semen extract Vaccariae Semen 王不留行 10:1
Vasaka Leaf Extract Adhatoda Vasica 鸭嘴花(叶) 10:1
Verbena Officinalis Extract Verbena officinalis 马鞭草 10:1
Vernonia Cinerea Extract Vernonia cinerea 夜香牛 10:1
Vetiver extract Andropogon muricatus 岩兰草 10:1
Vine tea extract Ampelopsis grossedentata 藤茶 98% Dihydromyricetin
Vine tea extract Ampelopsis grossedentata 藤茶 10:1
Viola odorata extract Viola odorata 香堇菜 10:1
Viola odorata extract Viola odorata 紫罗兰/紫堇花 10:1
Vitex Negundo Extract Vitex Negundo 黄荆 10:1
Voacanga Africana Extract Voacanga africana 非洲马铃果 98% Vinpocetine

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