Chlorella vulgaris
50% Protein
Kjeldahl distillation
Product Introduction (what is chlorella powder)
Chlorella is a spherical single-celled freshwater algae belonging to the genus Chlorella of the chlorophyta phylum, which was one of the earliest life forms on Earth and is highly efficient. Photosynthetic capacity and rapid growth and reproduction characteristics. Chlorella is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, which can enhance the body’s immunity and are widely used in food supplements.
In addition, it also has a variety of effects and functions, including detoxification, nutrition supplement, anemia prevention, blood lipid reduction, anti-infection, anti-aging and improve skin health.
There are a variety of chlorella powder products on the market, such as chlorella tablets, chlorella granules, or the powder is sold directly in packaging for use in other foods.
More details of Chlorella Powder:
项目 | 规格 | 测试方法 |
Appearance & Color Odor & Taste
网眼尺寸 |
Fine green powder
特征 NLT 90% 至 80 目 |
感官 80 目筛网 |
灰分含量 重金属 砷(As) 镉 (Cd) 汞(Hg) 铅 (Pb) 菌落总数 酵母和霉菌总量 E. Coli 沙门氏菌 葡萄球菌 |
NMT 10.0%
NMT 10.0% NMT 10ppm NMT 1ppm NMT 1ppm NMT 0.1ppm NMT 3ppm NMT 10,000cfu/g NMT 1,000cfu/g 阴性 阴性 阴性 |
5 克/105℃/2 小时
2g / 525℃ / 3 小时 原子吸收 原子吸收 原子吸收 原子吸收 原子吸收 |
保质期 | 2 年 | |
备注 | 存放在密封良好的容器中,远离潮湿、高温和强烈阳光。
包装纤维桶,内有两个塑料袋。25 公斤/桶。 |
Function of Chlorella Powder (chlorella powder benefits)
Package Details of spirulina chlorella powder
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