专注植物提取物 20 多年;专注定制 8 多年


  • 英文名:


  • 植物学名

    Lepidium meyenii

  • 所用部件

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  • 简介/说明
  • 规格
  • 应用

The maca plant, known scientifically as Lepidium meyenii, is sometimes referred to as Peruvian ginseng.

It mainly grows in the Andes of central Peru, in harsh conditions and at very high altitudes — above 13,000 feet (4,000 meters).

Maca is a cruciferous vegetable and therefore related to broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale. It has a long history of culinary and medicinal use in Peru (1 Trusted Source).

The main edible part of the plant is the root, which grows underground. It exists in several colors, ranging from white to black.

Maca root is generally dried and consumed in powder form, but it’s also available in capsules and as a liquid extract. Maca extract powder is high in carbs and rich in a number of nutrients, including vitamin C, copper and iron. It also contains many bioactive plant compounds.


产品规格 玛卡提取物:

项目 规格
规格 10:1
外观 Yellowish-brown Fine powder
Oder 特征
Taste 特征
Particle size No more than 90% pass 80 mesh
Loss on drying ≤5%
重金属 <10ppm
由于 <1ppm
Pb <3ppm
菌落总数 <10000cfu/g ; <1000cfu/g
Yeast & Mold <1000cfu/g; 100cfu/g
E.Coli 阴性
沙门氏菌 阴性

Product Application of 玛卡提取物:

有机 Maca extract powder can increase sperm production and improve sperm quality, thereby enhancing fertility in men.

Maca extract can improve symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes and disrupted sleep at night.

Maca may improve your mental well-being and mood by reducing depression and anxiety, especially in menopausal women.

Supplementing with maca may improve exercise performance, particularly during endurance events.

When applied to the skin, maca extract may help protect it from the sun's UV rays.

Some evidence indicates that maca, in particular the black variety, can improve learning and memory.

Maca root powder is easy to incorporate into your diet and is widely available.


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