White tea is one of the six major types of tea in China, belonging to slightly fermented tea. White tea extract is a product extracted from white tea, which is rich in tea polyphenols, flavonoids and other substances. Tea polyphenol as an antioxidant can be used in meat processing, fat storage and baked goods, dairy products, beverage preparation and so on.
化验 | NLT 90%Polyphenols | 紫外-可见 |
项目 | 规格 | 测试方法 |
气味和味道 网眼尺寸 |
Fine brown red powder
特征 NLT 90% 至 80 目 |
感官 80 目筛网 |
重金属 砷(As) 镉 (Cd) 汞(Hg) 铅 (Pb) 提取溶剂 |
NMT 5.0%
NMT 10ppm NMT 1ppm NMT 1ppm NMT 0.1ppm NMT 3ppm 谷物酒精/水 |
5 克/105℃/2 小时
原子吸收 原子吸收 原子吸收 原子吸收 原子吸收 / |
酵母和霉菌总量 E.大肠杆菌 沙门氏菌 葡萄球菌 |
NMT 10,000cfu/g
NMT 1,000cfu/g 阴性 阴性 阴性 |
保质期 | 2 年 | |
备注 | 存放在密封良好的容器中,远离潮湿、高温和强烈阳光。
包装纤维桶,内有两个塑料袋。25 公斤/桶。 |
Benefits of white tea extract
1、Antioxidant: neutralizes free radicals and reduces oxidative cell damage
2、Anti-inflammatory: relieves inflammatory reactions such as skin allergies, acne and eczema
3、Cardiovascular protection: reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels to prevent cardiovascular disease; inhibits platelet aggregation, reduces blood viscosity and promotes blood circulation
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