Chickpea Powder is a gluten-free flour, but is gaining popularity in the West as an alternative to wheat flour. This flour is just as nutritious as chickpeas because it requires only one ingredient: roasted chickpea flour (sometimes raw). The taste of Chickpea Powder is neutral, and the taste of dishes made with chickpea flour comes from the condiments, seasonings, oils, fats and main ingredients of the dish, rather than the Chickpea Powder itself. If you taste it straight from the container, it will have a dry, flat, powdery taste.
项目 | 规格 | 测试方法 |
外观和颜色 气味和味道
网眼尺寸 |
特征 NLT 90% 至 60 目 |
感官 60 目筛网 |
灰分含量 |
NMT 12.0%
NMT 12.0% |
5 克/105℃/2 小时
2g / 525℃ / 3 小时 |
保质期 | 2 年 | |
备注 | 存放在密封良好的容器中,远离潮湿、高温和强烈阳光。
包装纤维桶,内有两个塑料袋。25 公斤/桶。 |
Chickpea Powder has the following effects:
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